Monday, September 15, 2008

Before Liberty

Comes Life...


Anonymous said...


I posted a link on Scott's blog to an article that I think you would appreciate (although it is still in moderation). Check out both of these:

BTW, did you use to race bikes. I did about 4 years ago, but haven't lately due to a bad back. Just curious.


kRad said...

Sorry for the delay in answering your question. I didn't have the comment notification on and I didn't expect a comment.

Thank you for the links. I ended up using the first one in a comment over on Scott's blog without having realized that you had already. Go figure.

I raced for about nine years in Utah. Road mostly. Stopped with our first child. You're going to have to leave a post on your blog or something about your racing days. That would be interesting to hear.

Anonymous said...

I raced road, too. Every year I intend to get back out and start racing again; but alas, life keeps getting in the way. It just requires way too much time and energy to be competitive. Even most of the masters are as fast as the 1,2's. Oh well...if you are as slow as I am now, perhaps we should get together for a ride some time.


kRad said...

You are so right about the time and energy. I tried some racing in September so I can assure that I am s l o w as was proved. Keep me posted on a ride, that sounds fun.


Anonymous said...

I haven't been on my bike in months, and now with the colder weather I need extra motivation. I typically just go up City Creek, because it's close and I don't have to battle cars.

I would love to get out for a ride sometime with you...let me know whenever you have something planned; group ride or otherwise.
